Sunday, November 29, 2009

Iraq war was more important than killing Bin Laden.

More than eight years later after we've all been lectured on patriotism by Dick Cheney, Foxnews and the Bush cronies, new report just came out that the mastermind of the September 11 (Usama Bin Laden) was within our grasp but there was not enough forces to go in for the Kill.
Bin Laden had written his will, apparently sensing he was trapped, but the lack of sufficient forces to close in for the kill allowed him to escape to tribal areas in Pakistan, according to the report.
Not only did the Bush administration lied about the Iraq war, but they also endangered the security of the country by ignoring the real threat. Where was the media for the past eight years on this report? What has happened to investigative journalism? This is another example of a media bias, if this was under a Democrat, it would have been investigated, the media continues to prove their conservative bias even though most people are made to believe that the media has a liberal bias.

While Bin Laden was within grasp, Cheney and Bush were busy plotting on a no bid contract for Haliburton.....they not only take us into a unnecessary war (paid for by borrowing money from foreign countries) but they also put a debt burden on the coming generations. The pity conservatives (tea baggers) were not outraged about any of that.

To all those who have been claiming that Bush kept the country safer in the last eight years, it is clear that your ideology has replaced common sense and also, it shows a disregard for the security of the nation for the sake of ideology. I can remember when Liberals were called Anti-Americans because they questioned the Iraq war, they were asking the administration to focus on those who attacked the country but they were dismissed by the media because their views was not popular. If petty "dictators" in Africa could be put on trial for war crimes for murders that a a fraction of the people killed in Iraq....shouldn't the same world court rules also apply to Bush? All evidence shows that the Bush administration committed a war crime and they should face the full extent of the law in my world leader should be allowed to abuse their power.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Media Obsession with Palin!!

No one knows where the media obsession with Palin will lead her, many speculate a 2012 run for Presidency, while others are confused of her intentions. Not long ago, the media was bashing the President for over-exposure, they complain that he is everywhere and doing everything but how come that same standard does not apply to Palin? I am sick of seeing or even reading anything she says, I personally feel like she's dumber than a kindergarten drop-out and I do not mean that as a slight to conservative Women, even though most appear to just be echoing what their husband or daddy tells them. Palin has been all over the place, selling books and bashing the Obama administration.....I am not sure if there has ever been any Vice-Presidential candidate that lost and can not swallow the loss.....the best way to show her anger is to undermine the winner? What happened to waiting for re-election period? She has an opinion on anything, eventhough, she hardly makes any sense. I guess she gets a pass because she's apparently "hot", and that is what Republicans seem to look for in a woman (good looks and dumb..check Foxnews women)...they perfectly suit each-other.
The media would not be obsessed over Palin if she was smart because that would be deemed boring, they seek drama and Palin provides that for them. I have heard the argument that she was a former governor but I also remind people that it was in Alaska and the people living in Alaska are mostly value voters...she seem to do good among the crowd that believes they are on God's side....God must be pro-life (but God wanted first babies sacrificed to him in the Bible), God created us as we are (Evolution is meaningless)...I have never seen a group using God's name to promote their selfish agendas like the Palin group. They claim to be getting back to Reaganomics and social conservatism....Under Reagan, the economy was horrible, Reagan was not as good as conservatives would like people to believe, he was simply a likable guy, political empty suit with no substance.
I have something in common with Palin though, we both cannot get a good hold of the English language. It is funny when I was reading comments by Palin fans on her Facebook page....almost all of them are asking people to pray that God derail Obamacare...Apparently, they believe God is a capitalist and he would not want everyone of his human creatures to have equal access to health-care.

The media needs to stop treating Palin as if she's something special, and the media needs to stop making dumb politicians that cannot process information to simply say anything and get away with it. Lately it seems like Palin and Bacchman are trying to out-Palin eachother because they know the media swallows up their junk and put it out there as if it is legit. The whole "death panel" thing surprised me, do we even need to pay attention to baseless accusations that Palin spews? It is about time that people stop paying attention to self absorbed politicians....she apparently retired from governorship because of a "higher calling"...Boi can this lady not get away with anything simply because she's "hot"...... not?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Politico:RNC insurance plan covers abortion

The Republican National Committee’s health insurance plan covers elective abortion – a procedure the party’s own platform calls “a fundamental assault on innocent human life.”

Federal Election Commission Records show the RNC purchases its insurance from Cigna. Two sales agents for the company said that the RNC’s policy covers elective abortion.

Informed of the coverage, RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho told POLITICO that the policy pre-dates the tenure of current RNC Chairman Michael Steele.

“The current policy has been in effect since 1991, and we are taking steps to address the issue,” Gitcho said.

Leading up to passage of the House health care reform bill last week, 176 House Republicans joined 64 Democrats in voting for the so-called Stupak amendment, a measure that prohibits federal funds from being used to buy health insurance that covers elective abortions.

A spokeswoman for the National Republican Congressional Committee – the campaign arm for the House Republicans – said it does not include coverage for elective abortions in its employee insurance policy.

“The policy does not cover abortions unless the life of the mother is in danger,” the NRCC spokeswoman said.

According to several Cigna employees, the insurer offers its customers the opportunity to opt out of abortion coverage – and the RNC did not choose to opt out.

Cigna spokesman Chris Curran declined to discuss the specifics of the RNC’s plan, saying it’s against company policy to reveal even the identities of its insured. But he said that Cigna’s products “are designed to meet the requirements of our individual employer clients. Employer clients are informed of the services covered and it is their choice to decide which benefits meet their needs.”

There is no indication that any RNC employee has used the abortion coverage, but Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said it’s “no surprise” that the RNC is offering it.

“It’s an employer that wants to provide standard health benefits for its employees,” she said. “That’s why the Stupak amendment goes too far in taking away benefits that women have today, and that’s why women won’t allow the Stupak amendment to become law.”

The Stupak amendment, named for sponsor Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), was adopted by the House before it passed the health care bill on Saturday night. It prohibits a government-backed health care plan from offering abortion services and bans the use of federal subsidies for individuals to buy into health care plans that provide abortion coverage.

Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona was the only House Republican who did not vote in favor of the amendment. He voted “present.”

While 64 Democrats voted for the amendment, the majority did not – and the Democratic Party’s 2008 platform says the party “unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay.” The Democratic National Committee provides abortion coverage to its employees, the committee said.

Kinda ironic, if you cannot even practice what you preach....I guess the conservatives need some soul searching after-all. The press tend to pay little attention to things like this and everyone keeps calling the media, liberal? stories like this show how the media has a conservative bias and are more relentless towards liberals. All the hoopla about pro-choice seems to only be a problem when it's on the liberal side.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Conservative media hypes Obama's "insensitivity"

At the rate conservative media is going, pretty soon, they will blame Obama for the birds flying inappropriately over the white house. I find it despicable that for all that happened in the past week in fort hood, the conservative media still would be looking to blame the President for something instead of supporting him at a time of somber news for our soldiers and the American people. There is time for everything, it did not take an hour after the President delivered his remarks and condolence to the families, and fellow soldiers of the victims, when the conservative media pounded on him, they described the President as “wildly disconnected and inappropriately light” they are indirectly claiming that the President did not care for the dead and almost seem to be saying the President could care less if American soldiers are killed. It is very careless for conservatives to be dividing the country for political gains, if you can’t even support the President at a time of grief; it proves how the love for ideology surpasses the love of the country for conservatives.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are people as offended as the media potrays?

Just checking for my daily dose of entertainment news. I came across a headline "BLONDE DALLAS COWBOY CHEERLEADER GOES TO HALLOWEEN PARTY WEARING BLACKFACE . . . TAKES PHOTOS AND CHEESES IT UP WITH SOME OF HER AFRICAN AMERICAN FRIENDS" as you can see in those pics. I do not think that black folks care or neither find it offensive that people paint themselves black....why would anyone think it's offensive or condescending to be black? well, the media atimes put out news to control our reactions, I believe news like this are often reported to control people's reaction and attitudes. The model wanted to be lil wayne for her Halloween, she's having fun and for the media to portray her in a way that make people think she's a racist is just crossing the line in news reporting. I also think most Americans are not as racist or racially insensitive as the media often portrays. If people cannot even have fun with each other how can they understand each-other? I am not blaming the media for causing people to be racist, but I think the more emphasis the media pays to racial division further divides people. I am also amazed how the media keeps talking about the "white" mayor about to be elected as next Atlanta mayor, I and most blacks are voting for her, not because she's white but because we agree with her vision for Atlanta and it annoys me every time they emphasize her race and make it seem like her election is a victory for white and not for the whole atl people.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The most trusted name in news..

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
For Fox Sake!
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

I think Jon Stewart is hilarious, I also think he exposes how pathetic and hypocritical Foxnews are. Most of the things they are outraged about under Obama, they defended under Bush. You cannot be pro-government for 8 good years, then all of a sudden be the voice of the "people". It's funny how conservatives point to MSNBC as the liberal wing, truth is MSNBC do not make things up, MSNBC do not also pass nonsense out as news. The whole school kids brouhaha was manufactured by FoxNews just to make Obama seem like he was indoctrinating school kids, they never went to that length under Bush. I think that the Foxnews organization is bad news for this country, and they would do anything to promote their agenda even if it means the country collapses. Their mission is to destroy America in my view.....If their owner was an American I believe he would care more about the things they do, but since he's Australian, I personally think he is conspiring to divide and destroy this great nation. I mean why else would someone employ Neo-Nazi to be a major part of his organization? They sound like nationalists which is why I think people fall for the things they say, but the truth is, they are anything but patriotic.

Friday, October 23, 2009

USTREAM is pretty cool.

Agnew meets Palin

Pretty cool way to connect with your favorite celebs, politicians,friends and edit videos.

During the 2008 United States presidential election, USTREAM was used by nearly all the candidates to get out their message, and also allow voters to ask political questions.Mike Gravel was the first candidate ever to stream an alternate debate on Ustream that allowed him to respond to all of the questions being asked, as well as comment on the responses from the other candidates throughout a nationally televised debate.